Ontario Credit Union Foundation is very pleased to announce our 2017 CU Succeed Youth Bursary recipients.
Bursary recipients are selected based on two main criteria, financial need and how they give back to their communities. Awards are available to any post-secondary Ontario student under 25 pursing an academic, vocational, or technical program in Ontario.
Students were assessed by a review panel across four categories; community involvement, personal circumstances, letters of reference, and quality of their compelling essay. They were ranked numerically with top of the list individuals receiving bursaries of $2,500, the other candidates received amounts of $2,000, $1,500 or $1,000 totaling $60,000.
This year again, students did not have to be credit union members, beginning in 2018 students will have to be a credit union member to be eligible to apply. This year we had members receive bursaries from the following credit unions: Alterna, Community First, DUCA, FirstOntario, Ganaraska, HMECU, Kawartha, Libro, Meridian, PACE, PenFinancial, Resurrection, WFCU Credit Union, and Your Neighbourhood Credit Union.
We trust this financial assistance will help in the upcoming school year. Ontario Credit Union Foundation is grateful to our member credit unions and event sponsors and supporters who make these awards possible.
- Abdullah Khalid
- Aggash Sivasothy
- Amanda Dawson
- Andrew Hewitt
- Anna Healy
- Brielle Kaminsky
- Cassandra Henry
- Cooper Jones
- Diana Chan
- Grace Angkasa
- Hannah Clark
- Henrietta Den Dekker
- Hira Nadeem
- Jack Ramsay
- Jennifer Wilson
- Jia Jun (Eric) Sun
- Joshua Nanan
- Julia Degutis
- Julia Power
- Karlie Haining
- Kelsea Martin
- Kevin Zhang
- Kierra Harper
- Madison Greenough
- Maham Aquil
- Margaret Emma Macintosh
- Meeghan Pearson
- Michaella Pilon
- Natasha Jeraj
- Nicole Boere
- Raghib Quader
- Raza Hussein
- Sarah Asselin
- Sierra Betournay
- Tamoor Baig
- Tessa Grace Stewart