HMECU Opens New Branch

Healthcare and Municipal Employees’ Credit Union (HMECU) opened a new office on May 3rd. The Juravinski Branch is located within the Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre in Hamilton. It is conveniently located just steps away from the Atrium Cafe.

OCUF ED Clayton Shold congratulates Doug Mann, President & CEO, HMECU

Cake was delicious!

The ribbon cutting ceremony was very well attended, with hospital staff, HMECU members and staff, and special guests present.  HMECU President & CEO Doug Mann commented “We are very pleased to make HMECU even more accessible to members by opening an office within Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre. We hope this added convenience will make our credit union accessible to others who work at the hospital.”

Refreshments were served and a long line up quickly formed with attendees anxious to have a coffee and pastries or cake. Guests also received a “goody bag” of items from HMECU.

Rumours that the special cake was baked by Doug Mann proved to be false. Staff confirmed, “of the many talents possessed by our leader, baking a cake is most definitely not one of those competencies!”

Photo credit: Jacob Lethbridge, HMECU

CU Succeed Youth Bursary Fundraiser — Tips for Success

The CU Succeed Youth Bursary Fundraiser is underway, and we’re so glad to have you onboard! We want to make sure your team has a fun and successful fundraiser, so we’ve included some tips below. Please share these with your employees and help spread the excitement!

Remember: Every week, the team with the most funds raised will win $200 towards the teambuilding activity of their choice! That means a team lunch, movie night or ice cream soiree could be coming to a branch near you. All you have to do is get started! Here’s how:

Fundraising ideas

  1. Start by sharing the link to your fundraising page with your friends and family on social media. Tell them what you’re raising money for and why it’s important to you!
  2. Include a link to your team’s fundraising page in your email signature.
  3. Organize a staff bake sale, BBQ, or chili cook-off.
  4. Hold an auction with items donated or homemade by staff.
  5. Host a movie night, games night, casino night or trivia night and charge admission.
  6. Make your own staff bingo cards and charge a few dollars to play.
  7. Have a jeans day (with sign-off from your manager) and donate $5 to wear your jeans.
  8. Have a “Pay to work from home day” and improve your work/life balance!
  9. Hold a wacky decorating contest! Decorate areas of the office that are out-of-sight to members and get staff to vote for their favourite space with their dollars. (Ask if you can decorate your manager’s office door and choose a fun theme!)

10 reasons to get excited about helping young people pursue higher education

  1. Completing post-secondary education teaches essential life skills such as time management, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking. These skills are also used extensively in every workplace. In fact, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada has identified 9 skills that are used in every job, and these skills, which include writing, reading, working with others and continuous learning, only improve with higher education.
  2. People who have completed post-secondary education are more likely to engage with and contribute to their community through activities such as volunteering and voting.
  3. There is a clear relationship between education level and tolerance for diversity.
  4. Numerous studies have confirmed that individuals with post-secondary education enjoy better job prospects. According to Statistics Canada, in 2010, individuals who had completed post-secondary education had an employment rate of 72.6%. Meanwhile, those with only high school had an employment rate of 61.4%. Even better, 88% of post-secondary graduates had full-time employment.
  5. Higher education is associated with greater job stability. This is reflected in unemployment rates: in 2010, individuals with a high school diploma had an unemployment rate of 9%, while individuals who had completed post-secondary education had an unemployment rate of only 6%.
  6. Completing post-secondary education offers greater earning potential. According to Statistics Canada, individuals who have completed post-secondary education earn 28% more than a high school graduate.
  7. Individuals with higher education will see higher growth in earnings over the course of their lifetime. In 2000, growth in average earnings between the ages of 25 and 54 was 49% for individuals with a high school diploma, and 75% for individuals who had completed post-secondary education.
  8. Not surprisingly, higher earnings usually mean greater savings and assets as well. In 2005, the median value of net assets among those who completed their education with a high school diploma was $120,000, while Canadians with post-secondary education enjoyed median net assets of $200,000.
  9. Higher earnings prove beneficial in retirement too. Individuals who have completed post-secondary education have a higher median income during retirement and are less dependent on Old Age Security Benefits as a source of income. This is partly owing to greater savings and assets; but another factor is that with every level of education completed, the availability of employer-sponsored pension plans increases.
  10. Looking at the many advantages that accrue with post-secondary education, a clear pattern emerges. Individuals who pursue higher education will experience greater financial and employment security, and more opportunities to connect with and contribute to their community, culminating in greater satisfaction with life.

We hope you found this information helpful and we look forward to seeing what fun fundraising ideas you come up with! Thank you again for supporting this great cause!


Campaign or bursary questions:

Clayton Shold, Ontario Credit Union Foundation 1-289-335-1152

Advertising materials or fundraising questions:

Jeremy Whittingstall at Loomo, | 604-262-6643