Nov 20, 2017
We are excited to announce the location of the 27th Annual Golf Classic being held June 11, 2018.
We are privileged to have Markland Wood Golf Club host our main fundraiser for the year. Here is an excerpt from their website. “Visitors are pleasantly surprised to discover the quality, beauty and tranquility found hiding in the valleys bordering the Etobicoke Creek, a short drive from downtown Toronto. The course is a joy to walk as, similar to most traditional courses, each green leads to the next tee on almost every hole. Running north and south of Bloor Street, the layout features greens that are slightly elevated and fast, well guarded and moderately sloped. Generous landing areas are balanced with holes that place a premium on accuracy.”
A big shout out to Board member Kevin Connolly (Comtech Fire) who was instrumental in arranging this opportunity. Markland Wood is a unique, private facility which is very accessible from anywhere in the GTHA. Board Chair Dan Coldwell (PACE) commented, “This is a fabulous opportunity for us to host our event closer to Toronto. Our guests will marvel at this hidden gem of a course.”
The Golf Classic is our annual fundraiser the proceeds from which support the CU Succeed Youth Bursary. With the tremendous support of sponsors and guests over the past two years, $111,000 has been awarded to post-secondary students. We look forward to seeing you in 2018!
Nov 6, 2017
We are honoured to have so many member credit unions. Many have been with us since 1979.
Over the years there has been many changes. We have seen numerous credit unions merger resulting in new names. We have seen “updating” and renaming of credit unions to better reflect their purpose, community and brand. Change is a constant.
One thing that has remained constant, is the practice and adherence to the seven cooperative principals that date back to 1844 in England.
Principle #1: Voluntary and Open Membership
Principle #2: Democratic Member Control
Principle #3: Member’s Economic Participation
Principle #4: Autonomy and Independence
Principle #5: Education, Training, and Information
Principle #6: Cooperation Among Cooperatives
Principle #7: Concern for Community
From the Foundation’s perspective we focus on Principle #6 – Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures, and Principle #7 – While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of communities through policies and programs accepted by the members.
Our strength is in our numbers. This enables us to action “concern for community” with our CU Succeed Youth Bursary Program.
We extend a warm welcome to our two newest members, Comtech Fire and Your Neighbourhood.
Thank you to all of our members, we are grateful for your continuing support. To those who are not yet members, it is easy to join this growing group. Give us a call!
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