Friend of the Foundation Inductees 2021

It was a pleasure for OCUF to announce the induction of two new “Friend of the Foundation” recipients at our Annual General Meeting.

Joel LalondeJoel Lalonde was the first inductee. Joel served on the OCUF Board for nine years. He was a strong contributor to the Foundations leadership and strategic direction. For six years as Secretary – Treasurer Joel ensured there was strong oversight of the Foundations finances. As Chair of the Audit & Investment Committee he was the key contact with our auditor.

Joel oversaw the move of our permanent capital funds to an investment management firm, Jarislowsky Fraser at the end of 2016. That move has been fortuitous as we have experienced a return of 7.2% since inception.

Joel, we welcome you as a Friend of the Foundation and thank you for your contribution to OCUF.

Our second inductee was Dan Coldwell. Dan completed nine years on the OCUF Board, the last six as Chair.

What can we say about this larger-than-life individual? Dan tirelessly prompted the Board to think bigger and to be better. Dan ensured good governance. He ensured every Director had an equal voice around the table. He challenged us. He led us through a metamorphosis, embracing the past, but knowing we had to change as our member credit unions were changing.

Under Dan’s watch OCUF recruited a new Executive Director, rebranded, and grown the number of member credit unions. Dan oversaw the creation of the CU Succeed Youth Bursary, and he attracted solid talent from the credit union sector to serve as Directors.

Dan thank you for your nine years of service, your commitment, and your passion.