OCUF_i_sq300On Tuesday November 8th, the OCUF Board of Directors held their quarterly Board meeting which was followed by a half day planning session. The planning session was facilitated by Sandi Verrecchia of Satori Consulting who graciously donated her services.

The planning session challenged the Board members to answer tough questions on where we have been, our current direction, and what changes if any are needed going forward. We looked forward three years. What needs to be leveraged to be successful in 2019? What needs to be minimized to be successful in 2019?

We discussed the changing landscape in the credit union sector and did a SWOT assessment of how that might affect us both positively and negatively.  There was strong consensus that our focus on youth education and leadership was a path we would continue along. The Board was pleased with the inaugural year of the Youth Bursary Program. We set a goal of a three-fold increase to $150,000 of bursaries in 2019. A lofty objective but one we believe our member credit unions, supporters, sponsors and individual and lifetime members will embrace.

We ask that you write “OCUF” on your calendars on June 12, 2017. We’ll tell you the two reasons why that date will be important in an announcement in January.
