DevonDevon Rowan came to OCUF in March of 2007. Now in her tenth year with the Foundation, she has decided to move on to a new opportunity. This decision comes on the heels of a very successful fundraiser, talk about going out on a high note!

Over the years she has seen a number of changes with the Foundation, probably safe to say many have occurred over the past fifteen months working with me. Rather than resist change she embraced it. She enhanced processes and procedures based on creative thinking and sound institutional knowledge. Devon has been a pleasure to work with and a great colleague who I could trust and rely on. Board Chair Dan Coldwell said “Devon it’s been an absolute pleasure working with you these past few years. You’ve been a true and loyal soldier for the foundation and we’ll certainly miss you.”

Devon, a sincere than you for your many years of service and dedication to OCUF. On behalf of the many credit union staff, vendors and other associations you have interacted with, we say thank you.

Devon’s last day is June 30th. We wish her the best as she embarks on a new chapter in her life.

