OCUF is very pleased to announce the winner of the 2016 Friends of the Foundation Award.

FriendsofFdnWhat follows is the excerpt from the presentation notes delivered by Board Director Deanna Basso at our 37th Annual General Meeting.

“It is my honour today to recognize and thank two individuals with a Friends of the Foundation Award. Please join me in congratulating our 2016 recipients, Tim Dauphinee and Jean Wansbrough.

Tim Dauphinee joined the Foundation board in 1980 and held the positions of Vice President in 1993 and President from 1984 to 1986.  In 1984 his wife Amy Dauphinee also joined the Board.  In 1990 the Dauphinee’s established the A&T Dauphinee Bursary Fund with an objective to aiding and encouraging the development and education of women in developing countries.  They served on the Board until 1993 when they moved back to their home province of BC. To honour their tireless work on behalf of the Foundation, the Board appointed both as Director Emeritus upon their departure and established the Amy and Tim Dauphinee Scholarship at York University for graduates in Co-operative studies. Sadly, Amy passed away in her 90th year.

Tim remained strong in his commitment to the credit union system, the Foundation and their earlier life commitment to bettering women’s lives overseas. He also continued to pursue scientific endeavors … along with some romantic endeavors. Tim married a long-time friend of his and Amy’s, the lovely Jean Wansbrough in 2011.

Reliable sources tell us, to avoid media attention in Ontario, the two lovebirds fled to BC where they eloped in a small ceremony with Tim’s family present, keeping the nuptials completely secret from friends and family in Ontario. When news of the marriage broke locally, Tim and Jean made it very clear that in lieu of wedding gifts, they asked family and friends to make a donation to the Jean Wansbrough Leadership Training Fund which Jean established with OCUF in 2010.  The purpose of the fund is to support the development of leadership skills in young people, with a primary focus on the outdoors and organized camping.

To date, the A&T Dauphinee Fund and the Jean Wansbrough Leadership Training Fund have supported various projects in excess of $75,000.

To celebrate their personal financial commitments to this work and their strong ongoing support of the Foundation, we felt compelled to honor Tim and Jean with a Friends of the Foundation award. Tim and Jean could I ask you stand to accept the award.

We also want to mention Tim will be celebrating his 100th birthday this summer. Yes, I said 100!  We thought with his many friends here today we could send some early wishes.”

[a hearty rendition of Happy Birthday was sung by all] Congratulations Tim and Jean!
