When was the last time you received a note, a handwritten note, inside a card saying thank you? Made you think, didn’t we?

In today’s world we are quick to fire off an email, or text message. And more and more of our youth say, what every you do, don’t leave me voice mail, I never listen to them.

How the world has changed!

Yesterday OCUF received the card you see below. Handwritten. Unsolicited.

Addressed to “CU Succeed Youth Bursary” which represents not just our Board, but the many credit unions, supporters, and sponsors that make the bursary possible. This card is for you.

Kaleb, we say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to express your gratitude in a way that left an impact in todays fast paced world. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of saying thank you. Your “reaching out” suggests your thoughtfulness will take you as far as you wish to travel in your post-secondary journey and beyond.

We liked the card very much. If you are interested, check out this website indigenousreflections.ca
