Jessica is attending King’s University enrolled in their Childhood and Social Institutions program. She is a 2016 Youth Bursary recipient and member of Nexus Community Savings a division of Alterna.
Jessica is a graduate of Fanshawe College and is attending King’s University to pursue her dream of obtaining a Bachelor of Social Work. She is a Child and Youth Work graduate (Fanshawe) and with her education and training she hopes to start her own business geared toward child care for children with mental, or physical disabilities.
In her application she credits her mother and father as her role models. Jessica is no stranger to hard work and along with her studies she balance her community commitments. She has volunteered at her local church, done placements in two public schools, and a placement at WAYS (Western Area Youth Services) in their girls group home, and a placement at KIDS Community Health Services working with a young girl with a speech impediment. She is currently a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters doing their Go Girls program and the Connect 2 Mentor program.
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