Distinguished Service Award Applications Now Open

March 22, 2021 – Oakville, Ontario – The Distinguished Service Award Program was introduced by Central 1 in 1979 to recognize outstanding service to the Ontario Credit Union movement beyond the level of the individual credit union. Ontario Credit Union Foundation (OCUF) assumed responsibility for the administration and adjudication of this award in 2020.


The Award was inaugurated in 1979.  It was designed by Dora de Pedery Hunt of Toronto.  In describing the concept of the design, the artist said, “The maple tree on this medal symbolizes the main functions of credit unions.  Its roots feed the mighty trunk.  Its branches covered with rich foliage – protect the ones to need it most.  The seeds of the maple fall and create new life.  In these ways, the maple symbolizes the credit union movement.”

The artist is a famous Canadian sculptor. She designed a portrait of Queen Elizabeth that was first used in Canadian coins in 1990. This was the first portrait of a reigning monarch to be designed by a Canadian.

Among the medallions she has been commissioned to reproduce are: the Pauline McGibbon Award (presented annually at the Dora Mavor Moore Awards), The Pearson Peace Medal, Persons Case medallion, A. J. Casson Award for the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour, Norman Bethune Medal for presentation to China by Justin Trudeau in 2016, and many other notable awards.

Her work is found in museums, galleries and private collections around the world, including the National Gallery of Canada.


Selection criteria was established as follows:

Nominations be limited to those who:

  • have a record of meritorious service to the Credit Union Movement in Ontario (beyond the local credit union to which he or she belongs);
  • have practical experience in the development, governance, and/or operation of credit unions;
  • have demonstrated leadership in preservation and extension of the philosophy of people helping people;
  • are aware of the role of credit unions as cooperatively developed socioeconomic institutions and not solely as profit motivated institutions;
  • have the ability and willingness to advocate forthrightly on credit union challenges and opportunities.
  • have outstanding accomplishments demonstrating their commitment and passion to the credit union system.

Recognition will take the form of a special medallion, awarded at OCUF’s Annual General Meeting – to be retained by the recipient of the Award. A listing of award recipients can be found on the OCUF website.


When making your nomination, please consider carefully how he or she met or meets the criteria, visibly demonstrating their commitment and provide as much information as you can.  The more, the better. An individual can not self-nominate.

Meritorious Service

Describe various positions held by the one you nominate as a volunteer, a credit union employee or other capacity.  Give examples of his or her unique achievements, particularly those that had effects much beyond the local credit union to which he or she belonged.  What did he or she do for the credit union movement that deserves special recognition – things that were truly outstanding, and which set him or her apart from others?

Practical Experience

Give examples of those instances that provided him or her with broad experience in the development, governance and/or operation of credit unions.


Cite the ways in which he or she took a leadership role to preserve and enhance credit union philosophy.


How did he or she advocate (either in speaking, writing, or in actions) on credit union issues?  Give examples where he or she spoke publicly (to large or small groups), or articles he or she wrote or contributed to, which advance the cause of credit unions.


What outstanding accomplishments demonstrate their commitment and passion to the credit union system?

Nominations open March 22, 2021 and close 4:00 pm April 22, 2021. Please note, an individual may not self-nominate. A copy of the nomination form and criteria can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.



Clayton Shold, Executive Director, OCUF
clayton@ocuf.org | toll-free: 1.844.241.0283

Over the past 42 years the Ontario Credit Union Foundation (OCUF) has supported credit unions and co-operatives with their philanthropic giving in communities across Ontario. The Foundation is like private and local community foundations in that it administers funds created by donors for specific charitable purposes. In addition to the thirty plus funds OCUF manages, they maintain a general fund used for their main charitable activity, the support of youth education and leadership.