Ontario Students Awarded $75,000 in CU Succeed Youth Bursaries

 Oakville, Ontario – August 6, 2020 – From Ancaster to Woodstock, Thunder Bay to Barry’s Bay, Lasalle to Carlton Place and many points in between, the CU Succeed Youth Bursary recognized 67 outstanding recipients with a bursary ranging from $1,000 to $3,000.

The bursary created five years ago by Ontario Credit Union Foundation (OCUF), awards post-secondary students who have demonstrated financial need, as well as having a strong history of community engagement.

“This has been a challenging year with COVID-19 severely limiting summer income for students, making the additional supports such as our bursary program a valuable supplement to offset tuition or living expenses” said OCUF Board Chair, Dan Coldwell. “The quality and number of applicants continues to increase each year. It is rewarding to see so many member credit unions supporting the bursary in their branches with social media.”

Elisabeth van der Pol, a Board Director with WFCU Credit Union, who has reviewed submissions for the past five years commented, “It is amazing that these students can fit in so many extra curricular activities such as volunteering and sports, while maintaining strong grades. Just when you think these applications cannot get any stronger, they do, and they continue to impress.”

A total of $75,000 was awarded to 67 students from twenty credit unions located across Ontario. This brings our five-year total to $361,000 in bursaries presented to 258 students.

The annual fundraiser, the 29th Golf Classic is coming up September 14th at The Club at Bond Head. Proceeds from this event will fund the 2021 bursary pool. For information on this event please visit our website.

We congratulate our 2020 bursary recipients and wish them a successful school year.

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Clayton Shold, Executive Director, OCUF
clayton@ocuf.org | toll-free: 1.844.241.0283

Over the past 41 years the Ontario Credit Union Foundation (OCUF) has supported credit unions and co-operatives with their philanthropic giving in communities across Ontario. The Foundation is like private and local community foundations in that it administers funds created by donors for specific charitable purposes. In addition to the thirty plus funds OCUF manages, their main charitable activity is the support of youth education and leadership.