Three time CUSYB recipient Brielle helped out at our recent fundraiser throughout the day. We asked her to tell the audience of participants, supporters and sponsors what being awared the CU Succeed Youth Bursary meant to her. Brielle received an award in 2017, 2018 and 2019! Here is her speech.

Hello everyone, my name is Brielle Kaminsky. I’m a student at Brock University and I was fortunate enough to be a recipient of the CU Succeed Bursary last year. Growing up with a single mom, there were many barriers I faced, such as financial barriers, but because of her encouragement I have always valued community and education. She instilled in me to help others in need through volunteerism. I have volunteered at places like the local YMCA and Habitat for Humanity. Recently I have been helping organize charity events at Brock as well. I also teach free music lessons to children who may not normally be able to take or afford lessons. I have always been a hardworking student, but had worries about financing a university education. Thankfully, the Ontario Credit Union Foundation offers the CU Succeed Bursary. Because of your generous contributions, OCUF has been able to provide me financial assistance so that obtaining a university degree is becoming a reality. Thank you very much for spending your time today investing in the success of students like myself. I know that your fundraising today will be life-changing for many students, as I have experienced myself, and for that I am truly grateful. Thank you for your time.
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