At our Annual General Meeting we said goodbye and thank you to two Board members.

Deanna Basso

Deanna Basso

Deanna Basso has left the credit union space and is enjoying a challenging marketing role which involves considerable travel throughout North America. As such, in her discussion with Board Chair Dan Coldwell, she agreed it would be best not stand for re-election at the end of her term, to accommodate someone else working within an Ontario credit union.

Deanna Basso joined the OCUF Board in 2011. During her two terms Deanna was an enthusiastic support of the Foundation. She sat on the Governance Committee and helped steer many discussions on good governance, as well as reviewing and updating of Policy and Procedures manual. There wasn’t an event or activity put on by the Foundation that Deanna wasn’t at the front of the line, volunteering to help and be our brand ambassador. Her creativity and outgoing nature helped energize our events such as the annual golf classic fundraiser or an AGM.

Mark Ventry

Mark Ventry

Mark Ventry was the previous Executive Director of On Co-op as many will recall. Mark is currently working in Windsor and in discussions with our Board Chair, Mark volunteered to step down at this time to accommodate a credit union person who would be better able to attend meetings.

Mark joined the Board in 2010 and has been a strong contributor, serving as Chair of the Governance Committee for the past number of years. His attention to detail on policy reviews and governance issues was instrumental in steering the Committee and the Board.

We wish the best of luck to both Deanna and Mark. A small token of our appreciation was presented to Deanna at the AGM. We will catch up with Mark soon to present his gift, and to thank him in person.
